
I was in bed. And then I thought **** it, I'm going to post my feelings on here.
I have a dream, that one day, I'll be somebody famous. Whether I'm an actress, singer, whatever, who cares? I'm going to do it. I've been utterly inspired by the wonderful Tony Slattery (who I have sent off for an autograph from). He's a comedian and my hero, he's funny, kind, brave, he's been through a lot and he's an amazing person. He's made me believe that I can do WHATEVER I want.
Screw this phobia.
I was afraid to perform because I was afraid of getting stage fright and being sick. Pfft, I dont even CARE anymore. I'm going to fulfil my dreams and I'm never going to be afraid of going on stage. I've been told I can sing/play the piano well, so I have nothing to be afraid about. And acting? Well, I want to do improvisational acting, which is making up funny stuff on the spot. I can be as stupid as I like. It's not scary at all.
On Tuesday, I have to perform in front of my class, on my own, being recorded, speaking something I made up myself in a French accent. I backed out of it last week because I was so afraid.
I'm going to do this performance and I'm going to make damn well sure I do it well.
I feel like I'm bragging. I'm absolutely not trying to. I'm just fed up of my phobia ruining my dreams, oh yay now I'm crying.
I wont let it ruin this one. Hell, no. Thank you so much, Tony Slattery, for making me realize that if I want something hard enough, I can get it. I'm setting up an after school drama club with just me and my friends, and I'm going to do EVERYTHING I can to succeed. Definitely looks like I'm showing off now. But no, I'm just so ****ing determined to do it. I've had enough of my phobia ruining everything I want to do! I'm so lucky to be able to do all this that I am wasting oppurtinities every day! Well, not any more.

Ok, I'm done talking. Now that I've got all that off my chest, I can go to sleep. I don't expect anyone to read it, but I feel ALIVE! And I'm sure that one day, you will all feel the same way (though perhaps not for the same reason).
That was fun. Thank you for your support when I've needed it.
Claire xxxxxxxxxxx

P.S. My new motto: 'Life's too important to be taken seriously!'
Have good days xx