So all day today since about 3pm ive been feeling like sleepy/tired and now like lightheaded almost dizzy and i dont know why. I slept fine and woke up at a normal hour but ive felt not "normal" all day. To make things worse in terms of axiety, my dad came over yesterday and today called saying he felt sick (like a cold/cold sweat/tired/sleepy/light and sound sensitive). My sinuses have been pretty bad lately but im like so nervous about if im sick or not. My tempature is normal and ive been eating regularly, the only possible thing i could think of is not enough sugar all day. Ill a had sugar wise was a glass of juice this morning and a bit of pie right now. I know im due for my time of the month but ive never felt like this before. :/

Sorry that was all disorganized but yea, im just really worried right now.