It seems that whenever I have a busy weekend planned I get extra nervous that I'll come down with something and have to cancel all my plans that aren't easy to cancel. I have tickets to a show tonight and a concert tomorrow night and all kinds of other things this weekend are going on and I just get downright nervous. Every time I've been sick it's been on the weekend it seems. I never did miss school cuz of sickness I just always ended up having to cancel great weekends that i had planned to stay home and be sick...ugh. I get so nervous. Like right now I know I'm leaving in an hour to go to a play and my stomach is in knots not from anxiety it's really in knots. I was having major gas pains and then it moved up to my upper stomach and it's churching. I'm really hoping eating will help and doesn't cause me to feel nauseated all the way through the play and get worried that I'm going to be sick. My friend that I'm going with actually threw up at the venue we are going to years ago while she was seeing a play she felt it coming and made a mad dash for the bathroom but didn't make it and threw up in the hall and now there is a cart over that place on the floor there. That's irrelevant but I'm just saying anything and any though about throwing up or getting diarrhea makes me nervous because then i feel i'll end up doing it and be humiliated and ruin the trip or i feel like I'll get sick and my plans will be cancelled. ugh.