Hi everyone! I'm a 27 yr old female and my hubby and I are trying again this month for our first child together. I've had emetophobia since I was 10. Last time I got sick I was 20 and before that I was 8. So in 19 years I've only been sick 2x. I think it's pretty funny how much time we spend worrying about something that hardly ever happens. I've come to realize that I will never have this thing under control unless I let God have all the control. God is so good to me and honestly He has healed me from so much emotionally and mentally that I don't even think about it really anymore when it comes time to eat because I am a realist and the chances of it happening are very low. Recently I was feeling a bit anxious at the thought of getting pregnant and the chance of morning sickness but you know what reading some of the posts on here from other women that have gone through it and endured I am more than confident that I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me (Phil 4:13). Please keep me in your prayers as I enter into this new season of life and if anyone needs advice or prayer I am here for you as well. Thank you!