I still feel like total crap. Just got done eating a piece of cake and I'm wondering if that was a mistake. Last night at about midnight I had one of those little cracker pack thingies. It has four small crackers and the cheese that it spread on by a little plastic stick thing. Know what I mean? Then I had two chocolate-chocolate chip cookies from Subway. I went to bed at 1:30am and woke up at 3:30am. My intestines were rumbling and my stomach was gurgling away. Then I had some small crap cramps. Checked my temperature and it was 98.8 then dropped to 98.1 and then went up and down for a bit. Then came the freaking nausea. At one point I thought I could v. I quicky took an antiemetic and fought the weirdness in my stomach for about an hour. I wasn't planning on falling back asleep but I guess I did. Now here I am--headache, a little bit of nausea. Is this gas? Or again--still just the soon to be arrival of my best monthly friend? It's like 3-4 days away now. I wish it would just start so I know that its my period and not a v bug.

And I've been eating like a non emet lately. My aunt sent cream puffs to me and I ate them KNOWING that she probably touched them while laying them on the plate to bring to me. Then my mom brought cake home from her work which is a group home with 8 mentally retarted residents. My mom is a nurse so she does sanitize alot but i'm still scared. I ate a piece of the damn cake. Now what if an aide dished up the cake? And I bet that they touched the end of it to get it off the spatula and onto the plate. What if they were sick? Or what if a client was sick and they had just cleaned up and forget to wash their hands. OH GOSH. Why did I eat that?

I thought I was getting better. Yesterday I was on the couch and started feeling kind of sick. I cared but it wasn't like--OMFG. No one was home so it wouldnt be as bad as it has been when it happened before. Dont ask me where this thinking came in.Then when night time falls and people are home then full blown emet kicks in. Why? Cause my worst experience was around TONS of people at the game? Blah.

Well I'm blabbling now. I hope the period starts soon. I'm so fat and bloated and ugly and blah. I hope I dont v. I'm going to go eat my Sub from Subway. Ugh. Bad to eat out in the winter but if I didnt I'd starve cause the mom hardly cooks. Well, I'll see you all. Have a HAPPY New Year. unfortunately I get to sit here tonight alone cause everyone is going out.