Here I go again. I woke up this morning at 7:30 and realized i had a stomach ache. GREAT! So i laid back down for a little while and felt a bit better as the day went on. I made breakfast for my youngest and then made myself a cup of ginger tea. I felt OK at this point. Then I made him some lunch and i had half of a sandwich with him. That went ok and for the rest of the day i nibbled here and there on things. So tonight I thought i would be ok and would be able to eat something. Being that I have all boys, they decided that since mom wasnt feeling well and probably wouldnt eat, they ordered pizza. When it got here i tried a small slice, that went ok, so i had another about half an hour ago and in the middle of it decided it was a bad idea and gave the rest to my dog. Why do i feel nauseated now? Do i have an SV and its just taking its time to really hit me? I am not panicking yet but i am sure its not far off. I am going to try to take a bath which usually helps me. If it gets any worse i am sure i am going to panic. UUUGGGGGHHHHH! I am SO stinkin sick of feeling ick!