I'm actually feeling quite a bit better. I feel like we've made it through this bout...which definitely helps me relax. We are having a pretty good weekend. But, I was just wondering about one thing that I can't get a clear answer on when looking it up...

We've already established that there's most likely only one or two strains of noro going around at a given time in a community otherwise we'd be sick every other week rather than the possible once or twice a year.. especially with children. Especially since there is only short term immunity to that strain.

But another thing I was wondering... I know I've read how sometimes you can be infected and just not show symptoms... but would this offer immunity to that strain too? Like if you are exposed but you don't ingest enough to get sick...would your body still fight it off and build up an immunity? Kinda like the nasal flu shot.. it's a weakened live virus... but it's not enough to actually make you sick, but it helps your body build up antibodies and immunity. Would this be the same for noro..like if you know without a doubt you were exposed and ingested it..but you don't get physically sick..will your body still build up those antibodies and immunity from it?

I know this may be a kind of complex question. I'm not trying to feed my fears. I'm just wondering. I'm not panicky at all right now. As I know we've survived this round of it...in our family.. and will most likely not have to worry about it for awhile. I really don't worry about catching it out in public or at work or anything. I just wash hands and try to keep my immune system strong.

I really appreciate you all for taking the time to read and answer!!! Thank you!!!