Hi, just thought I'd introduce myself as I'm a newbie to this site. I'm a 40 year old married mum of 3. I've suffered with emetophobia in varying degrees since I was around 11 or 12ish years old. I have no idea what triggered it for me (I did start hypnotheapy a few years ago but didn't have the courage to see it through so didn't get any nearer to a cure). I was pretty much ok until I had my children (the oldest is 16) as I could avoid anyone or any situation that I didn't like. Of course, as a mum, you can't do that, you have no choice but to cope with it, and kids get ill from time to time! It wasn't too bad when they were tiny, although I didn't like it, I coped, just. As the years have gone by, it's got worse and worse with each time they are ill. I know exactly when I last v'd and it was a long time ago but that doesn't stop me panicking at the slightest sign of illness in any of my kids. My husband is really supportive and tries his best but as with anyone who doesn't suffer with this, he finds it hard to understand.

I'm struggling at the moment as my parents went to visit my brother and his family on sunday and that night my sister in law and my niece went down with a stomach bug. I've managed to avoid my parents since then but today is my Dad's birthday. He phoned me this morning and said that him and my mum both now have the bug and advised me to stay away. I know it's illogical as I haven't seen them since last week and they live 5 miles away but I feel really panicky! Also feeling really guilty about not seeing my Dad on his birthday, especially when my mum asked me why I'm not seeing my poor dad on his birthday. She really isn't understanding about this at all. I'm sure she thinks I choose to be like this! If only!!!

Anyway, that's me. Hoping I may be able to find a bit of peace through this site.
