Okay, so last night in my psychology class, we were going over psychological disorders and treatments. We started talking about people with phobias and I was all excited because I love talking about mine. Well, my teacher(who is a professional psychologist) asked the class if anyone had any specific phobias. I was the only one to raise my hand(this was the first time i've ever talked in class by the way) and he called on me and asked what it was. I said I'm scared of vomit. He looked at my soo weird and said "Really?? I've never heard of that before.." I felt dumb cuz he of all people didn't really get it. Then he was asking if I ran out of the room if there is vomit but he asked it in a way that was kind of making fun of me. I said yeah. Then he asked if it was just when I vomit or if someone else. I said mostly when other people vomit. Then he got in this whole discussion of how he was in preschool and this kid vomited so the whole class started to vomit like a chain reaction. He was acting like that was the same thing and then other people were saying how they don't like vomit either.
I felt really dumb since I put myself out there and no one really understood. They just kept going on about how vomit is gross to everyone. They didn't get that it was serious. PLUS my teacher kind of acted like this kind of phobia didn't exist and isn't legit. I was hurt and embarrassed and I'm usually never embarrassed talking about my phobia. THIS IS WHY I'M SHY. People don't listen to me, i felt so ignored..

Oh well.