I have just read the article 'norovirus facts' in the information section of this site and I advise anyone who hasn't already to read it. I can not tell you how much better I feel now that I understand the facts properly about how it is spread and that it is actually quite difficult to catch if you are careful about hand washing! Also the bit about catching rotavirus from children! I have spent the last few days in a high state of panic as my parents have both had a bug (completely illogical as I haven't seen them for a week but you know how it is)! I didn't even visit my dad on his birthday on wednesday as I was so worried about catching it and passing it on to my kids. I was also trying to work out how to avoid seeing them over the weekend even though they are both better now. Now though, there is no need for me to avoid them any longer!! Also, one of my biggest fears is my kids catching something and bringing it home (particularly at this time of year) but I don't even feel so concerned about that after reading this article! I'm not saying I'm cured and I will still panic if my kids are unwell I'm sure but I feel a lot happier than I did! Please read it!!!