I'm new here and I have a moderate case of emetophobia. I hate both doing it and watching it...just being around it in general freaks me out. (I'm talking about v*ing here, just to be clear) So this morning my girlfriend and I were watching a movie and she fell asleep. She woke up an hour or so later and didn't feel good. This was probably around 9ish in the morning. I left around 11:30 to shower, and while I was gone she v*ed. Between then and now she's v*ed about 7 or 8 times...quite a bit. Now from what I understand about the stomach flu, or norovirus, she was only contagious when symptoms started appearing. So anything we did last night I don't have to worry about. She and I were sharing a glass this morning, so I definitely ingested particles from her mouth, but this was prior to her v*ing the first time. I have also read that only viral, contagious particles are in the V and the fecal matter. So I shouldn't be concerned about sharing the water this morning right? My next question is a little bit more far fetched. I needed to shave in order to take a test and I forgot to do it in my shower. So I asked her if she had a razor I could use. By this time she had v*ed once in the bathroom. I went in to shave, not even thinking that the faucet handle on the sink might have particles on it. I got my face wet and shaved and rinsed off and turned off the sink handle. I have no idea if she washed her hands or not, or if the handle was contaminated. But I don't remember swallowing any water that touched my hand and the handle. Should I be concerned about that? She rubbed my hand before I left for my test and I just used hand sanitizer on my hands which I know doesn't do anything, but could this be bad? I went and took my test and came back and she had v*ed twice and I didn't go in the bathroom but I sat next to her. She didn't v while I was with her on the couch, but could contaminated particles from her breath have infected me? I am really hoping I didn't ingest any particles. She v*ed as I was leaving and I made sure to wash my hands thoroughly. When I got home I changed all my clothes and washed my hands a lot. Should I wash my face just to be safe? I'm kinda freakin out here, I hate v*ing so bad. Thanks for your responses everyone.