Scared to death at work, the girl who was out last week with what she is calling a stomach bug is back and I am terrified I will catch it. Now granted first it was a medication thing that was causing her to get sick everytime she ate, that was back on Dec 20th. Then she was getting sick again last week and called out on Thursday and Friday, so technically I haven't been near her since last Wednesday. To add to it, she hates her job here and her last day is Jan 14th....she probably wasn't even sick, just burning sick days and taking a long New Year's weekend, so why I am so damn scared? I can't eat, I am too terrified, I have been a wreck since Dec 20th when this all started, this girl's problems are ruining my why am I letting them?

Anyone think this is anything to worry about, or that I could catch anything, I just need some reassurance right now that everything is going to be ok...