Good day all... firstly I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and I hope it was fairly trauma free as I know, from personal experience, that this can be a particularly stressful time of year.

I personally hate New Year's Eve and generally spend the days after Xmas dreading it and thinking of ways to avoid it. This year was no exception. As a result of my dread, I usually end up getting drunk very quickly and early so that the people around me end up looking after me and not getting too drunk themselves, I can therefore avoid being around drunk people. Very selfish I know, but selfish behaviour is par for the course when you're emet.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you the very beneficial qualities that ginger has on any feelings of n*. As an emet, I was more than very aware that ginger is a good thing to consume when you feel n* as I am sure many of you here are also aware. However, strangely enough, I'd never actually got around to trying it, preferring instead to mope about in misery and fear whenever I had the misfortune to feel n*. On New Years Day this year though, I felt particularly bad as a result of over-indulgence, and when, by evening, I still felt terrible and couldn't eat, I decided that enough was enough. I've been experimenting a fair bit in the kitchen over the holiday and as a result had some root ginger in the fridge. I cut a bit off and nibbled it, and within literally half an hour I felt fantastic!! I was soon eating like I hadn't eaten for a week! I don't know if this would work if you had a sv or fp because in those instances the n* tends to be far worse than hangover n* but for that it worked a treat, and I would also think it would be good for pregnancy n*. I hope this doesn't mean I will be tempted to get drunk more often... hmmmmmm