i'm new here, but not to emetophobia. i've been suffering from it since i was about 7, but didn't know that it existed or that other people suffered from it until i was about 13-14..

anyway, i've had a flair up last friday because my bosses daughter caught the stomach bug last week..and while i didn't really come in contact with her, she was at work on every night up until she actually got sick on thursday night (she was even at work that day, but didn't get sick until later after i left) and i've been around her mom friday, monday, yesterday and i will be there today . and i've tried to stay away from my boss, but that hasn't been easy. she's gotten in my face, like really close (not to be mean, just to whisper and such) and shes touched me (not in a bad way, just to show me something) so i've been freaking. i have ocd, so i've been washing my hands RAW. like seriously, they've been cracking and such..

i think her daughter is better now, but i'm still scared i'm going to catch it.