I have a different kind of emetaphobia. Although I hate it when I think it is happening to me it is not the same as the blind panic and irrational fear of when it happens to whoever is closest to me, I used to be obsessed with my Mum and brother, now its my husband. And it is a truly irrational fear and it makes me controlling and horrible and I hate it. I am frightened all the time and logically I know there is no reason for it. He recently had stomach flu and it was awful but he survived and so did I and he was fine in a few days so I know logically there is nothing to be scared of but I am anyway. And since then I have been even more on edge. In my own home I am constantly on edge and I hate it and I hate how I am with him. I want to be loving and nurturing but the fear takes over and I just want to run. I hate being so weak and stupid and I hate that it seems to be getting worse as I get older not better even though as an adult I should be wiser and not let it take over my life.