My mother is sending me in a few weeks to get an upper GI because of my constant stomach aches. the doctor told me that people have a tendency to v* from those. i am sooo freaked out. my mohter really doesn't understand my fear, she thinks it is irrational and bascially stupid. She also told me that she is going to take me to a phyciatrist so that they can help me get over this and give me medicine. for one thing i'm afraid to take the medicine...i hear that some of that stuff they give you makes you depressed or suicidal( i do not want to be like that) i'm also afraid the medicine will change my personality. the phyciatrist will most likely prescribe a medicine for anxiety, so does anyone that takes a medicine like that notice any personality changes? Also, another thing about going to a phyciatrist, i'm actually afraid to get over this fear. haha i have a fear of getting over fears....great. i'm not sure waht to do, i'm kind of a basket case right now.
