My son who is almost 10 months old spit up pretty hefty during lunch. The most I have seen him do. I think that he had a little piece of PB sandwich stuck in his throat but I still dont want to go near him. I cleaned it all up! Yay to me. This is the first time he had a sandwich but it was only a small piece and he usually spits up if he gets like a piece of cracker stuck. I really should not be nervous cause that is probably all it was but, hey Im an emet and we do these things. my husband said he was proud of me for cleaning it up. He said good job you are one step closer. To what? Getting over this phobia? Ha, fat chance, if I could only dream! Anyway so hubby wants to give him another bottle because he said he must be hungry, I dont know, I mean he wasnt fussing or anything, if he wasnt feeling well Im sure he would not have eaten his lunch or bottle, right? Well hopefully its just the caught-in -the -throat spitup.