So I posted something similar yesterday but I really need some input!! My girlfriend had a sv* last wed. She hasnt had any stomach related symptoms since Thursday morning. I was with her while she was sick (not when she actually v*ed or had d* because she got sick at work and got it out there...I only came over when she got home) We slept in the same bed and I sat with her on the couch so she wouldn't be alone. (This is huge because I have never done anything like that for anyone before...normally I run in the opposite direction but I didn't want her to be alone). Anyway, I was really good about washing my hands and did not kiss her at all. I left her on Saturday night and have not gotten sick yet so I think I am in the clear...right?!?! Anyway, I am supposed to see her again tonight and I really want to kiss her but I am terrified to. I don't know if she is still contagious or if the sv* is even present in saliva. I havent kissed her in over a week and I'm dying here! I know if the tables were turned she would have kissed me already
I hate this phobia and the state of panic it puts me in!! Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!!