Just wanted to post this to tell you there is hope for this disorder.
I had emetophobia bad for years. Panic attacks. IBS with constipation.
My mood would go up and down like a yo-yo. My heart fluttered, skipped beats, raced.

A year ago my regular doctor retired and I had to find a new one.
My new younger doctor took a look at my file and my laundry list of chronic symptoms and prescribed the following:

1) 500 mg of magnesium daily and to include foods high in magnesium in my diet.
2) eliminate all caffeine, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and sugar from my diet.

I didn't use artificial sweeteners so that was no problem.
Caffeine was tough because I loved my coffee, chocolate and coke.
Sugar was going to be tough because I love sweets.
I was never a big drinker but enjoyed wine and beer regularly.

But, I wanted to get better so I gave it a go.

I immediately started taking the magnesium - that was easy enough. Doctor said it would take at least a month to start feeling any benefits. It actually took three months for me.

I cut the caffeine and sugar cold turkey. Suffered through a week of withdrawl symptoms: headaches, mood swings, cravings, and feeling overall crappy. Small price to pay for what I was hoping to achieve.

The wine and beer took a little longer to let go of. I tapered off slowly, not because I was addicted or anything but because I really enjoyed wine or beer with a meal. But I gave up all alcohol after about a month.

In total it took me 6 months of taking 500 mg of magnesium daily and cutting out everything the doctor said to. By the time 6 months rolled around I noticed these changes:

My irregular heartbeat was corrected. No more weird stuff happening in my chest.
My moods were regulated. No more ups and downs.
IBS and constipaton was gone. No more stomach pains, I could finally have a normal bowel movement, and the gas attacks were gone too.
No more panic attacks. I started waking up calm and going to bed calm.
Emetophobia was gone. I wasn't obsessing about getting sick anymore. The chronic fear was gone.

This is the first flu season in a decade that I haven't worried about catching something. It's as if my body and mind have calmed right down and don't allow me to get worked up over things that used to drive me crazy.

I still miss my coffee and crave sugar but you know what, if not having those things means I can have my health and peace of mind, I can live without those things. Cravings never killed anyone but panic attacks IBS and emetophobia sure were killing my quality of life. So I choose to live with the cravings and not live feeling sick and scared.

I don't know if this is the answer for everyone but I just wanted to put it out there because it sure was the answer for me after all these years of trying everything else. I mean, it's an easy enough thing to do so you may want to give it a go. Consult your doctor about the magnesium though, don't just start taking it on your own.