Okay so I'm here trying to bum knowledge again.I have the most ridiculous assignment ever in History and I cannot find the answers anywhere. I don't even understand the questions. I'm supposed to research the internet for the answers and list the site that the answer was found on. Would anyone here be willing to help me? If not, it's okay. Gosh I feel so stupid being a bum. I'm getting frustrated. I even asked the teacher for some help and he just goes, "Ahh. Do your best." That helps ALOT, huh? Here is the lame assignment.

Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups, lobbyists, the media and public opinion with emphasis on:

1) Extension of suffrage

2) Labor legislation

3) Civil rights legislation

4) Military policy

5) Environmental legislation

6) Business Regulation

7) Educational policy

Again sorry. Delete me if you want. LOL. *hides*