Please help omg for the last few days I've felt odd and off food but today I've just felt achy and tired through the day day then before bed I ate anyway then I fell asleep about midnight and woke up at 3am (it's 4 now I'm in the uk) with REALLY bad d ache but was so tired drifted back off in and out of sleep now
I'm up and have worst d ever I'm so scared I feel really sick too omg please help I have ibs and today/yesterday I had a yogurt but it was soya yogurt idk if it was that and this week I ate loads of junk maybe it was that but what if it's a bug I live with my mum and 5 year old sister but ive Been at my bfs all week got back yesterday and my sister had 2 friends round and mum said one of them had been quiet all evening and she was worriRed about her and today she wasn't in school and a lot more werrent so mum asked the teacher and she said 10 pupils were off wit the flu and one with sickness and it was a boy with sickness but then my sister came home today and said a boy in the class was sick and got sent home! What if I have a bug? I can't cope please help my stomach hurts and I have a dry mouth and feel sick and I'm so scared and shaking like mad please please please if I'm sick I want to die