Hi, guys. I'm new. My name is Kassie and I've had emetophobia since I was about 11 or 12.

I just started doing research on emetophobia about a few months ago. I've known I've had this disorder for quite some time, and always thought it was just something that I had myself. I started doing research online and on youtube, and found out that other people have the same problem that I do. I was shocked. All of these people go through the same things that I do: the panic attacks, the avoiding objects and places, avoiding people. I never thought others would be going through the same thing.

Upon discovering these youtube videos, I thought it would be a wonderful idea if we started a youtube channel for people with emetophobia. It could have 5 or 7 people (one for every weekday or every day) talking about their day and how they're dealing with their phobia.

I already have a youtube channel of my own, and I'm going to start talking about it in the near future. I want to find as many people as possible with this fear, and create a wonderful support program for people with this issue.

I'd love for people to come forward and show interest.