It doesn't mean that they are unhygenic. It doesn't mean they feast on feces. It means they get sick because they are human.

I need to rant because this has really been bothering me

When my emet was really bad, I would become angry when someone would be sick and then come near me. I would think because I practiced like a million safety behaviors, I was untouchable. Then this past October I came down with a stomach virus. I did so by living a normal life. I do wash my hands, I don't lick the flusher knob of the toilet, I just got sick. It sucked but not once did I consider myself "dirty" or that I did something wrong. Lately in various places as "the season" is still lingering. Its being made seem tht these people getting sick should be exiled. I mostly see this on facebook from some members on here and while I don't want to cll anyone out or offend them, I do wanna say that in defense of people who do get sick, I am offended. Because I did come down with a stomach virus recently, and its like I "failed" something in doing so

I just don't understand the remarks that "people who are getting sick must like to eat poop" remarks (the most common) again, I can understand how its scary to be surrounded by sick people. I am not 100% recovered. But it really hurts as someone who has been praised for surviving a stomach virus to be ultimately made fun of for getting it.

Not meaning to start an argument. But does anyone feel the same?