hey everyone,
i know i havent been around for a few weeks. i have been poppin in and reading now and again. just havent had time to post lately. ive been feeling a bit pants lately - what with therapy not going well at all and having to try and think about stopping effexor again.

and now im worried - coz last time i stopped, i was really ill (v*) and i thought it must be a bug really. but the doc said yesterday that opening the modified releae capsules and just taking out X amount = i am taking out diff sizes of the little grains. And this was going on another docs advice!!! they are c**p - f**ckin c**P. ANyway - so now im scared to stop the meds. im scared to get therapy. and im thinking irrational again.

im trying to be positive and keep my head up. but every so often i think 'why'? what is this all for. why dont i just give up. lifes crap.

ems x