One of the things that I have found that have helped me begin to deal with my phobias is things that succeed in taking my mind off of it even for just a moment. This entire board is essentially one never ending chat of reminders of what we obsess about constantly. Yes talking about it does help, BUT so does learning to train your mind to focus on things you love or enjoy. Positive things that help a person begin to relax and let go of that obsession. It would probably be good to have a section that completely unrelated to emetophobia. The one rule that stands is you cannot mention anything about your phobia or even be allowed to put the trigger words in there. It is a place to talk about everything thing that is completely unrelated to v*ing, n* or anything related to emetophobia at all. It needs to be a positive place, where only good, hopeful, happy topics are discussed! Funny stories, pictures or other things that can help lift a depressed or upset person's spirits and give them positive reminders that despite their struggles there is still GOOD things in life to focus on!!!! There is no better way to counteract the negativity we face as emts. than to have POSITIVE subjects to chat about!!