Hi, I only have slight emetophobia, but my boyfriend has severe emetophobia. I'm surprised he is still even dating me, as I developed acid reflux during our year and a half together, and it really freaks him out even thoug I've never v* from it. I'm really freaked out because I am basically the only person he comes to when he is anxious or there's an issue. (sometimes his dad is helpful but he works a lot during the day). Last night his 12 year old sister v* a few times, and I talked him through it and he was able to fall asleep (we were texting as he didn't want to wake everyone in his house). I've been up all night (it's 6:30am) feeling extremely n* and like I am going to v*. It still hasn't gone away, and I know it's not anxiety..it's related to my acid reflux. I've never had an issue from it but I feel like I might. I just don't know how to tell him as he is really counting on me to be with him today. I don't want to make his anxiety worse, which it will. If I don't see him today he will beg to know why until I tell him, so I kknow I can't hide it. I have to tell him, I just don't know how. Please help! Ugh sorry for the incoherent post. I'm so tired.