Well i let my guard down. I live in Georgia and man has the weather been awesome. I have already been at the beach and started acting like it was time to relax after what has seemed to be a long winter. Ha! What a joke! I let my 7 yr old son play go over to his friends house today to play. The kid and his mom who is my very close friend, picked my son up around 5. He stayed over there and played outside for a little while then they went in and played closely with legos. All was FINE. She fed my son supper. He ate pizza while his friend ate chili. They ran back outside to play after eating. Played a bit of soccer then went in for water, i showed up and they were in the house. His mom and I went into the kitchen and my little boy followed us. then her kid appeared in the doorway with thei wierd look on his face and i knew he was about to V. She told him to go to the bathroom and a few seconds later we hear it hitting the floor! ewwwwww! I promptly left (my friend knows of my phobia) I just said "on that note, i will see ya later sister! I love ya but i gotta go! I will call you and lend you support in a few minutes" then we were out the door. We came home, washed our hands and i tried to relax about it. Why is it the 1 time i finally decide to relax and let my son go play this has to happen? is it a slap in the face or what? Does you think my son will catch something? The kid acted fine after. I was beginning to think that it happened cause he ate too much and then went outside to play soccer. It wasnt that hot today but he could have been shaking his belly around too much right? I figure if he does it again then i have something worry about but if not then we are in the clear right? Should i wait the 72 hrs before i can put this aside? I hate this!