I have noticed that over time i am not doing the same rituals as i used to. Such as sanitizing everything, constantly sanitizing my hands, never eating out, and somewhat isolating myself. The only thing i still do is wash my hands, but not nearly as much. I have had this phobia for six years now and am somewhat seeing a break through and that maybe there is a way out. I noticed this yesterday when a girl from work told me she was very nauseous and felt like vomiting. I didn't get that heart dropping feeling that i used to, i just told her that i hoped she felt better and if she needed anything let me know. The best part about this, is that i wasn't thinking about her the whole time i was at work, even for the rest of the night. I wasn't worried about her throwing up next to me, it possibly be a stomach bug, or even catching it. I feel somewhat proud of myself and thought i would share!