I have been trying not to panic lately and i think i have been doing pretty good.....but today there is a situation....i am about to lose it. The day before yesterday which would have been Tuesday for me here in Georgia started out ok but got progressively worse. I was going to go to the beach with my youngest. We stopped by walmart to see if they had an kid chairs cause my husband took his in the truck to work. On the way there i noticed that my stomach felt weak and that i felt like if i ate or drank anything i might not get it to go down. So i avoided food. Earlier in the morning i had the crusts off of my kids sandwich when i was making his lunch. Anyway, i went over to my friends house to borrow her sons chair. Before we got there i took some nat sulph which is a cell salt that use to calm my upset stomachs, it took away the feeling of not being able to swallow. My friend offered me tea and I just didnt feel like it so my son and i sat there at her house instead of going to the beach. I eventually came home around lunch time and had 2 bites of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. i felt worse and worse. I was beginning to think i had a virus. Then my husband came home around 2...yay!!!!! I had take some nux vomica and it had started to kick in so i was feeling a bit better. The nausea was coming in waves and i was cold and a little achy. So around 3 i decided to take a bath. That made me feel MUCH better. I was able to function the rest of the night. All was well the next morning (yesterday) except i was still a little queasy when it came to food. I went to lunch with my hubby and my friend. At first i was afraid to eat but then as i ate i felt better. I was fine most of the day. Then last night i was packing for a trip i have to take today. Its only 4 hours away to my moms. Not nervous about it at all. I started feeling a little heart burn. I thought that maybe it was that i had eaten a kind of early dinner. I also thought maybe i was coming down with my husbands cold. Sometimes colds hit me like that. a bit of heartburn and then full on chest and head cold. I woke up around 5 this morning when my husband got up and thought my stomach hurt and went back to sleep to make it stop. When i got up at 6 to wake my oldest for school i was fine. I laid back down cause i was tired and got my middle one up for school at 715. I made his lunch, ate the crusts off his bread like i always do. Then made myself some tea. I took 2 sips of tea and got pains in my stomach. I hate to go to the bathroom! I couldnt even walk my son to the bus stop. I had D. It was a crampy feeling. Then when i thought i was done i went into the living room put on a program on the television for my youngest and had to go again. It was a very little bit. Now my stomach is making a few noises...not sure if i will have to go again. Could this be a long virus? COuld it be the bologna from the crusts of my sons sandwich? should i take an antiemetic? am i going to be sick? I just dont want to V!!!!! Dont stomach viruses make you go more often? Would i have been sick by now? Its been 40 minutes since the D hit me. PLease someone help me before i freak out. I have this trip i have to take today...not looking forward to being sick in the car.