I am 1,000% sick and tired of nausea. I'm only truly nauseated if I eat if my intestine are slowed, which would be every 3 days. Also if I exercise. Okay, I was extremely nauseated when I awoke today. I used the bathroom yesterday but not enough to compensate for 3-4 days. I ended up eating after I tested my stomach. I took 25mg promethazine an hour ago with remeron and zantac. I got hungry a few ago and ate honeycomb(Breakfast cereal) out of the box. My stomachs fukked right now. The point is, what do I do? 1.) I'm not eating ever again. 2.) I'm taking 25mg promethazine because I'm giving up. 3.) Why aren't the promethazine and remeron stopping my nausea? I'll live through it and feel embarrassed when I awake, but as of now, I refuse to eat.