hi everyone
stoked to see others out there that understands his fear

I remember being young and having the flu, asking my dad to pull over and as i got out i got sick. sad thing is my fear is so intense that i dont know if that was real or a dream!! I am 26yrs old and suffered food poisoning in April but managed to avoid throwing up. That made me realise that my system is so well trained because of this phobia. I am scared EVERYDAY....
When my husband burps or coughs i can feel my heart race.... when i hear water running in the bathroom I am so worried that he is throwing up i call out to see if he is OK while planning my "escape" in the back of my head, if he is throwing up.
I dont drink....
never been on a cruise ship...
take sleeping meds when driving long distance...
make a run for it when our dogs gags....

all i want is a normal day...a day that does not revolve around fear.
I want kids...my husband wants a big family as he is the only child....but my fear is holding us back!!!