is it just me, or is everyone else around me crazy and completely stupid when it comes to washing their hands and food safety, expiration dates, ect? this has always been a huge thing for me. people don't get it, but as we all know... it's the root of preventing the v* situation from happening. right? why does it seem like everyone around me was raised like wild savages without anyone to teach them that it's probably not ok to drink that milk in the fridge that expired 2 weeks ago that smells rotten. why??!! why do people do this? people are constantly blowing my mind with this stuff, and i never stick around to find out how it turned out in the end.

example: i was at a baseball game with friends grilling out. of course someone decided to bring raw chicken, which i'm sure wasn't properly stored or washed or anything of that nature, and was probably bought on clearance at walmart or something. not only that but i'm sure they kept it in a cooler with the beer. why do people think that is ok???? "ohhh but it's wrapped in plastic" no... it's going to contaminate everything that is submerged in the nasty cooler that you have never considered to wash and have always transported raw meat in.
anyway, so this girl... she decided she will unwrap, prepare the chicken with her bare hands, put it on the grill... and then surprise surprise.... nowhere to wash her hands!!! nothing but porto-potties... so get this, she wipes them off with a couple if paper towels... then proceeds to stick her hand in the pita chip bag that everyone is eating out of. no one else seemed to mind at all... there were like ten people there. mom's with kids and everything. this is when i attacked her with hand sanitizer. of course i wouldn't go near the pita chip bag. ohhhh and everyone thinks i worry too much. ok it's true, it's all because i'm terrified of catching the dreaded sv or food poisoning.. but seriously, even without the phobia wouldn't you think someone would at least consider trying to avoid it?

does anyone else go through this??? it really doesn't surprise me anymore. i just expect people to have no idea about this stuff... which means i have a really hard time trusting people to prepare food that won't poison me. 3 week old egg salad that's been sitting out for hours? oh and it's probably fine? no thank you, i will starve.