I haven't realised how much I have improved, since I was sick in May, I was sitting next to this oldly gentleman on bus, who was telling me.how he just gone down with a nasty belt of sickness and D, and was just on way to dr, normally if someone told me that, I wouls freak and move seats, but I wasn't scared at all, was more worried about the old man, then he went really and said he felt sick, next thing my jeans felt warm, and i realised i had been vomited on, but still the old bloke was really apologetic to me, I didn't feel fear, but sympathy for the old bloke, so I made sure, that he got to drs, than I asked him if there was anyone I could call for, and he said his daughter, so waited for her to arrive,, very proud of myself... I am not even worried if I catch it, because i know there a lot worse things out there.