I've always been scared of being ill, but recently its gotten worse. My boyfriend was sick in my house a few months back and after that I wouldn't use my bathroom and I wouldn't go near him until I thought he was better. Ever since then I've constantly been thinking about being sick, I've stopped eating a lot of things such as meat or anything that I think will make me ill. This has had an effect on my weight, I'm 18 and 6 and a half stone, before I was just under 8 stone. Although I feel sick, I never am sick, but I panic like mad if I start to feel ill. Sometimes this phobia keeps me up all night cause I'm terrified if I go to sleep I'll be sick or wake up feeling sick. I've told my parents but they think it's all in my head and just some silly phase, but it's annoying now. I don't know what to do about it.