Personally I'm in a fairly good place, I haven't had a serious attack for about a week and a half and when I have felt one coming on I've been able to distract myself. However, I've been on holiday so now I'm back I'm wondering what are the best methods other people find for distracting themselves? I'll start off with my favourite, feel free to add your own!


Wikipedia articles/research
Online games
Listening to an audio book-
I find this more distracting than just reading, because I can do something like go on the computer at the same time and use a lot of my attention
Tidying up
Playing a musical instrument-I'm a keen musician and I find this one to be by far the most effective-it uses all of my attention and my hands and I usually find myself impatiently pushing away thoughts of anxiety because it's getting in the way-this is a good one if you can play, but if not, try buying a ukulele for £15 and when you feel anxiety or nausea creeping up on you, learn a new couple of chords or a song.