I wasn't really feeling myself today. I was very moody and irritable. I just chalked it up to not sleeping very well the past few nights and the start of my new healthy eating plan. I completely cut out meat. I used it eat it every day for every meal I had. I also completely cut out sodas. I drank pop religiously every day. I've been drinking lots and lots of water lately and incorporating many fruits and veggies into my diet. I've also been eating tofu which is something I am certainly not used to. I was feeling a bit nauseated earlier and I just got up from a nap and then I started having intense cramping. I knew I was going to have to go to the bathroom. It's round 2 of diarrhea and it's very watery I'm sorry for being graphic but I'm scared.

edit: I also had not really been going to the bathroom for the past few days. I wasn't quite constipated. I just wasn't going.