I am new here and I am so glad I found this website because I don't really have anyone to talk to about my fears. My husband just gets irritated with me when I "over react" to our kids being s*. This past week was the very first week of school and I thought with it still being "summer" I still had time before I would have to worry about my fear. Boy was I wrong. My oldest started kindergarten on Friday and was v* early Saturday morning, had diarrhea all day Saturday and Sunday and v* again on Monday morning. I was in panic mode through most of it but I've learned how to calm down and just be there for my kids. But as soon as they start feeling better, I worry about my other child. It's Thursday now so I think our house is in the clear but this virus is going around here and it seems like everywhere I turn, people are coming down with it. Two of her friends from school, neighbors, friends.. It's like I can't escape it and although my YDD hasn't had it, I am constantly worried. I didn't sleep last night, I have barely eaten since Saturday morning when my DD got s*. I am pregnant so I need to be careful but I am terrified to come down with the illness and terrified my YDD will catch it. I have since bleached all my bathrooms, washed and lysoled all the linens in my kids' room and just generally cleaned the entire house. I feel like we should be in the clear but I can't stop feeling like my YDD will catch it from someone else. We just got back from a neighbors house who invited us over for a tea party with her daughter. It wasn't after I got there that she told me she postponed the tea party a day because everyone in her house was getting over the same virus. Why would she not tell me this before I walked in her house?!?!? I immediately came up with a reason to leave and came home and washed YDD's hands for a solid minute and gave her hand sanitizer. I hope the 20 minutes we were there won't get her s*. I feel like I've been handling my phobia better over the past year but it's times like this that I obsess. I'm glad I found this page and everyone for their support.