Judging by the sv* season last year that doesn't seem to dye down I knew that wouldn't take long for it to start up in school again but I did not expect it THIS fast.
I thought maybe I'd have a month or so of being around people comfortably but apparently people are already walking around saying how they don't feel good, calling off class, and I heard one teacher say that "something nasty is going around". Really? I have to wait until May when I graduate but I'm in a dorm until then with 5 other people.
It's close but the only good thing is we have two bathrooms, so me and this one girl only use one and everyone else stays to the other one.
I'm not in complete panic mode (yet), but I'm more uptight then I thought I would be. I thought I had more time until I had to deal with this.
I wish more people would practice basic hygiene. Maybe it wouldn't be as rampant as it is then :/