Hey guys, I don't know if any of you remember me, but I used to be a pretty frequent poster. I went to therapy for my fear of v*, and she suggested I stopped using this site. And let me tell you, it REALLY helped. I loved this site; I was addicted to it, and thought it helped me, but really I figured out that it was just causing me more anxiety since I knew about other people's anxiety. So I thought I'd offer the advice, to try to wean yourself off of the website, if you find that it's making you more anxious!

I haven't been on in a few months but needed to make a post since I'm not sure who else to ask. I am going to a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. I have just started my freshman year living at college & my therapist suggested I go on meds for my general anxiety & emetophobia. SOOO, after I researched different meds, I decided I did NOT want to go on prozac, since I read for the whole first month it makes you v* ! And what do you know, the first thing my doc prescribes me is prozac! He gave me the lowest dosage and said that it will be the most beneficial for me in the long run... He also gave me 10 pills of lowest dose Ativan in case I get nervous. I've never taken pills before so this is a big deal. NO ONE I know has had a positive experience with prozac, so I was just wondering if anyone on here has had any positive experiences, or if it even helped in the long run, thanks !!