So a couple of days ago I was at the library and actually found a book all about emeteophobia..and lo and behold it was the ONLY book about it! (And as an aside, the book was by all the eating disorder books...) Anyway, the book is called "Living with Emetophobia" by Nicolette Heaton-Harris. The author actually deals with emetophobia herself and it's all about her coping. Now, I don't know if you have any family members/friends that have trouble really understanding your problem...but if they do I would recommend them reading this book to better understand you! She put things so eloquently I was really looking for a book to help my anxiety, but it was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon this book. I still find it soo shocking that this phobia is in the top 5 phobias of all time, but yet NO ONE seems to have heard of it before! And with all the people that have it, I have NEVER met one in real life! It would be amazing to actually sit down and talk with someone that knows exactly what I am going through! I know my mom and boyfriend try to understand, but in the end they just have that puzzled look on their face :P