So I have been doing a lot of reading and I'm hoping someone might be able to answer this question. I've gotten mixed information regarding whether I could be classed as an emetophobic. I hate myself v*, I will do virtually ANYTHING to stop it. I take ondansetron twice a day to stop any nauseous feelings because they make me stressed that I'm going to v*. However, I did get a stomach flu about a year ago and I v*ed a few times and while it was AWFUL and the first time I'd done it in 12 years, I did survive it. My worst fear is other people v* around me. I avoid ANY situations where this might happen, I don't drink, even driving through the city at night makes me horribly stressed because I'm terrified that I might see someone who is drunk and v* on the side of the road, I won't go to theme parks, I won't go on buses, boats and if I have to fly I take anti-anxiety medications. These are just a few examples of how terrified I am of seeing someone v*. Is this emetophobia??