My dentist prescribed me some penicillin today because of some pain I've been having in my tooth... he fixed my filling in my cavity and then gave me some to try for seven days incase I have an infection or something. Now, I only took my first pill at 4, and it's only hit me now. Earlier though, before I even took the pill, I felt off. I was sittin gin math class and I had a bad stomach ache, not as low as usual, but no d* or anything, but just now my stomach began to hurt and I felt nauseous again and had d*. I'm a little shaken to be honest because it's so out of the ordinary, although I'm not convinced it's a stomach flu I can never be sure since I haven't had one in eleven years. I'm just chewing on ginger chews right now.

Sorry if I sound really weird right now. Really just trying to vent, lol. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm a little nervous to take my next pill in fifteen minutes. Kind of sucks because I've been doing so well with emet but now I have a little voice in the back of my head saying, "What if this is it?". Stomach flues scare me more than just simply being sick from something I ate... agh.. okay, distracting myself with American Horror Story now, I love that show!