So... I'm now 7 weeks pregnant. I was spotting during week 5 so my blood levels were checked on Monday and Wednesday of week 5 and the nurse called and said my HCG was not doubling so she was concerned and wanted me to have an ultrasound. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day and we saw the baby and saw the heartbeat and it measured exactly as it should at 6 weeks 1 day. The nurse seemed shocked because she really thought it would measure small due to my HCG levels not rising and she thought i'd miscarry. I'm now 7 weeks 1 day and don't have another appointment until i'm 10 weeks. So i guess here is my rant for the day.

1) I'm a nervous wreck that when I go in for my appointment that the baby will no longer have a heartbeat and I'll have had a missed miscarriage. I've read very negative things about people with slow rising HCG's and how only 15% of babies make it out of the first trimester. I'm freaking out about this and on edge daily.

2) I'm 7 weeks pregnant and so far I've had very very little nausea. For this I am thankful. Sometimes I have a lack of appetite for a day here and there and my sinus drainage makes me feel like i might puke but i never have. I'm a nervous wreck that by the end of this 7th going in to week 8 or 9 it's going to hit me head on and i'm going to start throwing up I work full time and go to church and sing in two choirs there. It's very important to me that I can keep moving and still be involved with life. I can't and don't have the option of being a person that stays at home on the couch or in bed all day. I'm a nervous wreck. I don't want to get morning sickness

Anyone know if i'm out of the danger zone as far as morning sickness goes or when it hit you? Ugh... I'm just scared. Ignore me.