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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    New South Wales, Australia

    Thumbs down First Panic Attack in Ages

    I just had a panic attack, ya know - nausea, shaking, feeling like you can't breathe then the dizziness and fatigue now post-attack. All because I thought I was going to vom after having a latte since I can be lactose intolerant, too much caffiene this morning as well I think which may have induced it.
    I'm taking St John's Wort at the moment (have been for at least 2 months already) and found it has not been working as well for me lately. I need to study and I am finding myself extremely distracted and all over the place. Do you think I should ask my psychologist about something a little stronger (as in, real medication), I would have to go to my doctor to get it since she isn't qualified to prescribe it but I think it might be the best thing so I can get through my exams in peace.

    So my question is, what are your experiences with anti-anxiety meds? Worth it?
    Or should I try a different brand of STJW - I'm taking Swisse 'Mood' at the moment which contains other ingredients like B12 and siberian ginseng, but Blackmores make a pure STJW supplement that might be better since you take it with every meal three times a day. Anyone tried this brand before?
    Thanks a lot
    Last edited by Kinetic; 10-15-2012 at 06:56 PM. Reason: grammatical error



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