I think that my anxiety has reached an all-time high this week, and I'm not really sure why. I have been hyper aware of what I've been eating--usually I only do this with dinner (something about being more afraid at night) but now, it's transferred over to EVERYTHING I eat. I'm always wondering if what I'm about to eat will make me sick in some way or another, whether it's food poisoning or maybe I touched it with dirty hands. I've never been a germ-o-phobe (totally spelled that oddly) but today I was about to eat a bagel and I had to leave my bagel and go rush to wash my hands before--which is something you should do, but usually I'd just eat it and be fine anyway.

I'm concerned with how bad it's getting. I've been seeing a therapist and she referred me to a psychiatrist, whom I met with today, and she prescribed me for celexa. I've never taken any form of anti-depressant and I'm really worried. She put me on the lowest dosage and told me to cut it in half for the first four days (because I have a small frame), but being prescribed medicine makes me feel like things are getting out of hand. I also have OCD, which is the main reason I was prescribed this. I know that I'm taking a step in the right direction, I'm just scared and upset that I have allowed my thoughts and anxieties to get this far.

Tonight for dinner, my roommate and I had chicken. The sell-by date is the 28th, so I know it's fine but the package had already been opened from a previous night, and the chicken was uncovered in the fridge. The raw chicken had a hard, rough texture on some parts and it freaked me out, but it didn't smell and my roommate said it was fine. We ate it about a half hour ago, and almost right after we ate it, my stomach started bothering me and I had d*. She was fine, and still is.

Do you think this could just be from all the anxiety I've been experiencing? I can't believe my fears have taken me this far. My roommate probably thinks I'm psychotic!