im quite proud of myself to be honest, in a wierd sort of senario! Basically im very very very nervous with crowdes and i generally just end up panicking incase myself or someone else v*s. So i went to this concert with my boyfriend and i was very nervous but as the concert went on i became more and more relaxed.... until i turn to my right and see my boyfriends eyes half closed, sweat pouring down his face and he was beyond pale he was basically grey. obviously for an emet this screamed alarm bells that he was about to v*. So i braced myself for the worse panick attack of my entire life but nothing happend?! i wasnt even nervous, i was just worried about him and wanted to make sure he was okay, unfortunatly the venue was really small and it was so overcroweded and he was wearing long sleeves and jeans, and he passed out compleatly and just fell on his knees compleatly out of it, and i still wasnt worried about him potentially throwing up, it didnt even cross my mind! obviously i was insainly worried about his safety but i didnt care about the fact he might have v*d, i just wanted to make sure he was okay x he was fine in the end, he just got up and didnt remember what had happend but he felt compleatly fine and his only concern was 1) he missed his favourite song because he wasnt concious! and 2) the fact that he might have scared me. I know its a wierd triumph but the fact that i kept my cool, didnt have a panick attack, and just knelt with him on the floor and held him up and made sure he was okay without running an screaming from my emet taking over i am oldy proud of myself