Hi guys. You might not know me, I haven't actually been here in around 6+ years...which you would probably regard as a good thing! I've been doing exceptionally well with my anxiety, to the point where I'd say it's been totally non-existent. I've been to university, got a lovely long term boyfriend, made my first overseas trip, partied and have generally been having a wonderful time with not a care in the world.

However, today - as disheartening as this is - I went plummeting back to how I was, in literally about 10 seconds. I got home from work and found out my Dad (who is never, ever sick) was actually quite unwell, and had v*d just seconds before i walked in the door. I just shut down, mentally. I didn't want to be near him, or the house, and just had to get in my car and drive. I'd been at work all day but still started to take stock of everything we could've eaten that was the same, just in case it was food poisoning (turns out the only thing we've both had is cucumber...lol...I don't THINK they're a likely candidate?). I'm home now, feeling fine, but just shaken up and like I'm WAITING to start feeling sick.

I don't know, I haven't felt like this in years, and in my panicked state of mind, you folks were the first ones I thought of.....perhaps just some kindness and reassurance is all I'm after =\ I'm just in shock that this could still happen in the safe little world I've been living in.