Hi everyone sorry to panic post but feel awful.

I changed my contraceptive pill from Microgynon to Logynon at the start of the week so I THINK that's my problem but I'm not sure.

I felt a little light headed yesterday but today I feel awful. I went and saw a friend today and had a lovely time but when I came home, I got really light headed and the n* started coming in big waves.

It got so bad earlier I had to lay on the sofa and shut my eyes, I was nearly in tears. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating. When I felt a bit better I had a look at the side effects and dizzyness isn't listed on there so I'm kind of worried that is something more than my pill.

I took a Phenergan and felt better earlier enough to eat some cheese toasties which I was chuffed about but it's now coming back and I hate feeling this lethargic and spacey. I don't know what to do!