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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Upstate NY

    Thumbs down For the hundredth time this week!!

    I'm all messed up on my insides again....
    Yesterday I was all wigged out because I had bad poop cramps and thought something was wrong but I was okay.
    This morning I woke up and was a little hungry but a little icky feeling too, figured it was because I was too hungry, so I had a pancake and a piece of sausage, followed by a mini twix. (we need to HIDE this damn candy). Then the cramps started again, and I had (sorry it's gross) but I had a HUGE poo and felt a ton better, but the cramps came right back about an hour later, and I was feeling sick to my stomach, and realized all I had today was sugar and junk food, so I had an apple with a teaspoon of caramel dip, a handful of pretzels and a couple leftover chicken strips from last night, and a few milano cookies.
    Just, all day I'll have periods of feeling very cold and shaky and nauseous and thinking either V* or D* is coming, and then there are times when I'm feeling totally fine. Right now I'm very twitchy and (gross, sorry) farting a bit, and I feel like I need to burp but nothing is coming. I don't know if I've just had too many mini-twix bars and milanos today so my sugar is just turning me into a terror or what, because as far as I know, nobody I've been around lately has been sick, unless the kids I nanny got sick after I left yesterday, which is pretty unlikely. I've just totally HAD it with this junk and hate feeling nervous and sick all the time.

    [added details]
    I was supposed to go to this post-hallowen costume party tonight and didn't really want to because I get so freaked out and sick in cars, so I don't know if any of this is caused by me not really wanting to go tonight and I'm "making" myself not go by feeling sick? Also, LADIES, I usually feel kinda sick and extra super panicky around that time of the month, which was supposed to be last week, but I skipped apparently. Sometimes I think my pre-period anxiety makes me SO stressed, that the stress makes me actually skip my friggin period!! JEEZ!!
    Last edited by RosieRoo; 11-03-2012 at 04:23 PM.



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