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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Upstate NY

    Exclamation I swear the world is trying to kill me!

    So, I've been posting threads a zillion times a day....
    I felt sick all day yesterday, thought I had food poisoning from a microwave burrito, finally fell asleep, and I woke up just now feeling decent but iffy, because I'm always iffy. I come downstairs and my Mom says my sister is staying home sick today, because she's woken up twice in the middle of the night to poo, and she's got D* and bad cramps.... My Mom says she doesn't have a bug and thinks it's from having two bowls of soup for dinner and a giant bowl of ice cream and a ton of salsa as a snack, but you know our kind, we think if somebody sneezes ten miles away we'll catch the stomach bug, we spook easy. My sister says her tummy feels okay, but not great and I'm really super duper extremely freaked out. She's laying on the couch with the V* bucket just in case and she's got a cloth on her forehead just in case. Mom says she's had D* three times since last night, and that the D* isn't really truly D* it's just really loose and soft, but I'm still FREAKED THE HELL OUT. Like, I already felt a little worried about last night's stomach ache and the burrito, and now this, so I'm making myself go crazy, and just because my Mom has mentioned my sister staying home from school, I have, in 15 minutes given myself sympathy poo cramps and I'm nauseous.....

    oh, and I may or may not be staying home with one of my nanny boys today who has a high fever and an unnamed virus with sneezing and a rash and sore throat and coughing, which also scares me a little.

    Additional details, little nanny boy went to school for some ridiculous reason, the Mom gave him some medicine and he acts totally fine so she told me to send him off. I came home after being out of my house for an hour and my sister's had two more rounds of D* and she's curled up with the V* bucket with a washcloth on her head, I'm terrified. If she's sick I must have the same germs, because, well, she's my sister and we live together.
    Last edited by RosieRoo; 11-06-2012 at 07:58 AM.



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